Saturday, May 28, 2011

They're Coming...

The pictures, that is!

Yes, I know it's been a LONG time since I've posted. I just don't keep up as much as I'd like these days. We have a lot going on around here though, so don't be too angry with me. I'll make up for the long delay, I promise! I have ONE YEAR PHOTOS!! I just have to get them all organized and I can post them. Also on the To Post List: Emily's (belated) first birthday party, first haircut, a trip to Spokane complete with park and beach adventures, and lots of other random, cute-baby things. We've been busy!

The weather here still sucks. We've been getting about 50% rain, 40% grey, cloudy skies, and 10% sun. And when it's nice out, EVERYONE heads outdoors, so it makes things a bit more difficult. I'm hoping we'll get to the zoo and to some of the nicer parks around here soon; I'm just so tired of staying indoors all the time! And Emily loves to play outside so we're taking full advantage if the teeny tiny amount of sun we get. Oh! By the way, I finally started a garden! Add that to the To Post List, also. I'm not sure how fruitful it will be, but it's worth a shot, right? Things are so expensive these days (hello, $65 tank of gas, I'm looking at YOU) that every little bit helps, and if I can save some by growing our veggies? I'm all for it. Just wish me luck- I've never been much of a yardwork person.

Well, I guess that's all the random update stuff I have tonight. I'll be back soon! I promise. :) Here's a little something to tide you over...

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