Friday, August 28, 2009

Two Bits:

Bit One:

We're at 7 weeks! And that number is approximate now. The appointment with the nurse last week was pretty uneventful, aside from the fact that she mentioned they really don't know how far along I am, so we have another appointment scheduled with our actual doctor next Wednesday. The nurse said we may even get an ultrasound to determine a better due date! That will be exciting. Here's 7-ish weeks:

Here's the little punkin this week:

7 weeks: a blueberry!

Getting bigger every day. We can't wait to meet her (or him, if Rob gets his wish)!

Bit Two:

We're headed to the Oregon coast tomorrow to celebrate our one year anniversary! YAY! I can't believe it was almost a year ago that we were dancing the night away at our wedding. Time flies! I will make sure to take lots of pictures of our trip to the beach.

Anyway, that's all I have for now. Have a great weekend!

Love, EA

Friday, August 21, 2009

At least it's almost the weekend...

Well, we're at the 6 week mark! Not too much to report this week, though. Rob was out of town for a few days but is home now, and I'm glad to have him back! My sister who is all-knowing when it comes to this being pregnant thing got me a great new bag and some supplies to help make the next 34 weeks a little more bearable! She's so great. Thanks Rachel!!

Here's the bag, and it's loaded with kleenex, mints, gum, mouthwash, lotion and lots of other goodies. It's wonderful!!

So, the morning sickness train has finally come for me. I'm not all that sick yet, just queasy a lot so far. Here are some other things that are making my days easier:

Peanut butter crackers, ginger ale and saltines. Where would I be without you?!

So, here is me at 6 weeks!

And here's where the little punkin is!

6 weeks: A lentil bean

We can't wait to see what the next weeks bring. On Monday we have our first appointment with the OBGYN! We'll keep you posted! For now it's naptime for me. I'm pooped!


Friday, August 14, 2009

Here we go!

Big news! Yesterday we went to the doctor and found out we're pregnant!!! HOORAY!!! The estimated due date is April 15, 2010. Yes, that's tax day! Rob hopes the baby is born on the 9th, my birthday, so he "will only have to remember one day!" Can't really blame him I guess. Ha!

I had been feeling icky and really tired for the last few weeks, and as I was a few days late, I decided to take a home pregnancy test and just put my mind at ease that I wasn't pregnant. Afterall, this was our first month trying. It couldn't have happened already, right? Somehow the incessant pickle-eating wasn't a very good tip-off in my mind... So, I took the test. Instead of the one little line, there were two, very big ones! I wasn't sure if it was just a mistake, so I tried another test. Two more lines! Still, I was not convinced. After 2 more tests I finally started to think maybe they were right! I called Rob at work and told him, and he was shocked! So was I! We made an appointment with the doctor and got the confirmation the next day, and have our first appointment with the OBGYN next Monday. We are both very excited and couldn't be happier!!!

Here's me at 5 weeks. Not much to see yet but I'm sure it won't be too long! :)

Here's what the Little Punkin looks like right now:

Week 5, a sesame seed

We are so excited!! I'll do my best to keep this blog updated as frequently as possible so you can share in this journey with us.

Love to you all!
