Friday, October 15, 2010

More Traveling!

Last weekend our very good friends Andy and Alex were married in VA, and Rob was asked to be the best man! Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to make the trip over with the little one, but I hear it was a fantastic time!

Congrats again you two, we are so happy for you!

While Rob was running all over the state of Virginia helping out Andy (by keeping him out of Alex’s way) and eating great food, I went to Spokane to spend a week at Grandpa’s house with Emily. We had a great time, too!

We were lucky enough to get a chance to see Tara and Karter and baby Kennedi while we were there, too! Tara and I figured out that we’ve been friends for 20 years! WOW! It’s great that our girls are only a few months apart in age!


The girls and the kiddos.


Grandma and Emmie!


Giggles for Grandpa.


Tara, Karter, and Em.


Sweet baby Ryan. He’s getting so big!


Tummy time with Grandpa.


They became very good friends this trip!


Hanging with Uncle Zach.


Grandpa and his boys!


Silly, silly.


We had lots of fun, and now that Emily is getting bigger, she does a lot better with trips like this. We were lucky enough to find a portable swing at a second-hand shop, and she LOVED it, so we actually got her to nap a little bit. That made the trip MUCH more enjoyable. But as much as we love to travel and see family, we were SO GLAD to be home! A week away from Daddy makes Emmie quite the cranky-pants!

The next big thing on our list is Thanksgiving, also in Spokane. And then comes Emily’s first plane ride to Denver for Christmas! Anyone with tips on flying with an infant, please share! I’m more than a little nervous about that so any advice would be much appreciated.

P.S. Apparently bananas are very tasty but not so good on the tummy. This solid food business is tough!


  1. Yay! I made the blog. :)
    Love the pictures. Loved our time even more!

  2. Not that I know from personal expierence...but I've heard its best to take a small plane ride, like from Seattle to Spokane with a little one. Just to see how it is going to go, how they are going to react, ect. I know my parents did that with me :O) There are always cheap flights to and from Spokane on Alaska Air...

  3. Try to time the nursing so that she will do that during take off and landing (or take a pacifier or bottle if she will tolerate them.) The sucking motion helps with the air pressure in the ears and those are the worst times. You might also ask the pediatrician if he can recommend ear drops or anything- they are always coming up with new stuff!

    -Aunty Katrina


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