Friday, April 15, 2011


One year old. One year filled with giggles, smiles, kisses, baby drool, sleepless nights, and more poop than I would have ever imagined. Also more love than I could ever have dreamed was possible! She changed our lives in every way. Full of sneaky smiles and mischief, she really makes it clear that we are no longer in charge around here.

One year ago today I became a mom. And as MY mom would say, I was the happiest mom in the world! I wrote the story of her birth in two parts, here and here, and thinking back on that day I wouldn’t change it at all because it brought our precious girl to us. We thank God every day for her!


At One Year Old, Emily:

…weighs 18 lbs 2 oz and is 29 1/2 inches tall. She’s between 50 and 75% for height, but only 5% for weight. The doc says she’s very healthy and has no concerns, just tall and skinny!

…is almost walking on her own! She took three steps on my birthday (best present ever!) and will walk between the couch and coffee table if it’s not too far, but she hasn’t taken off and started walking all by herself quite yet. She stands up a lot but is very hesitant to walk without help. She gets braver every day though and we think she’ll be walking very soon!

…has started saying more words this month! Her very first “real” word was Dada, but she didn’t associate it with her dad for quite a while. Cracker was the first word she said that had a meaning attached, so we count that as her first word! She can also say Mama (FINALLY! Haha!), puppy, kitty, yucky, and probably a few others that I can’t think of at the moment.

…is a great eater! She loves to drink from her straw sippy cup and eats most everything we put in front of her now. She’s started refusing to eat from a spoon and wants to do it all herself, so we’ve had a few adventurous dinners lately! Her favorite foods are peas, toast, ham, and of course crackers.

…still, STILL doesn’t sleep through the night. She wakes up usually once to eat and sometimes two or three other times also. She’s usually pretty easy to put back to sleep, but it’s really hard on Mama! I’m hoping as her teeth come in she’ll be a better sleeper. The doc also mentioned that her eczema might make it hard to sleep, so hopefully we’ll get that under control soon too.

We’re getting professional family pictures done soon so for now we’ll take a look back at the past year. It went so fast!

One day old


One month


Two months


Three months


Four months


Five Months


Six months


Seven months


Eight months


Nine months


Ten months


Eleven months


Twelve months


Our tiny baby is turning into a little girl. She’s beautiful, silly, snuggly, and very smart! We love her very much! Happy first birthday, Punky Boo. You are loved more than you could ever know!!


  1. I can't believe where the time has gone! It was a real eye-opener to see Emily's pictures one month at a time. She has changed SO MUCH! What a beautiful little pixie we have. Yes, she's part mine, get used to it. The eleven-month shot looks like Rob's eyebrow-up look of faux puzzlement-consternation-gotcha...could that also exist in Emily? At the 12-month mark I see a future ballerina, prom queen, and imp-with-an-attitude. It's just going to get more interesting and fun as you go. Happy Birthday, Emily! Your Grandma loves you more than you could ever know.

  2. What a BEAUTIFUL baby girl! Seriously, she is just adorable. You are very blessed. :)

    Happy Birthday to sweet Emily!

  3. How could it be that a whole year has gone by? that just seems crazy! I love the pictures you posted of her by month. Seeing the changes is pretty cool. She is one beautiful little girl!

    Happy birthday Miss Emily! (And congratulations mommy and daddy for making it through the first year :O)


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